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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Keep abreast of Latest Happenings

While learning about things outside your niche is always encouraged too, you should always be on the look out for new strategies and trends that pertain to yours. This will be incredibly beneficial to you for staying competitive.

Following are a few tools you should be using to do for that. Not all are given in this single post. Please visit later to find more tools to find. Here you've one to go on with.

StumbeUpon is an incredible social tool, and you should use that aspect of it, but my favorite thing about it is the search feature. This is not like searching Google or Yahoo looking for relevant results pertaining to a specific query. Searching with StumbleUpon's search tool is a fantastic way to find new resources, articles, and tools related to a topic.

Because of the social aspect of StumbleUpon, you are going to get good results because others have already gave them the thumbs up. So not only are you finding things that other people who are interested in a given niche have enjoyed, you are quite possibly finding new ideas that can help your own business.

Hope you'll come back to see more updates on this topic. Thanks!!

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